Obstetrics & gynaecology

Night sweats versus hot flashes

What's worse—night sweats or hot flashes as they relate to depression and stress? Although both can have a significant effect on a woman's quality of life, a new study out of the University of Massachusetts suggests that ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Mindfulness' stress reduction helps breast cancer survivors

(HealthDay) -- A mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program provides significant and lasting improvements in mood, breast- and endocrine-related quality of life, and well-being, according to research published online ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

AARP chief: How living to 100 changes our ideas about aging

Jo Ann Jenkins is the CEO of AARP, the world's largest nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization. AARP is focused on helping people "improve their quality of life" as they age; it has more than 38 million members.


The global prevalence of erectile dysfunction

A review of published studies found that estimates for the global prevalence of erectile dysfunction vary widely, ranging from 3% to 76.5%. The findings are published in BJU International.


Diabetes can take a toll on your emotions

(HealthDay) -- Many people know diabetes -- both type 1 and type 2 -- can take a serious toll on physical health. But these blood-sugar disorders also can affect your emotions and, in turn, your emotions can wreak havoc on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet addiction and quality of life: The role of neuroticism

Quality of life is an ancient concept dating back to at least Aristotle, although the philosopher equated a good life or doing tasks well with happiness, rather than what we refer to today as quality of life. There is much ...

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