Psychology & Psychiatry

Cultural differences affect how we support close friends and family

A research team led by Associate Professor Hirofumi Hashimoto, from the Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka Metropolitan University, analyzed the perspectives of providers of social support to examine ...


Cannabis users require more sedation for endoscopy

Patients who use cannabis required higher levels of sedation during gastric endoscopies than non-users, according to research to be presented at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2022. As cannabis is legalized in more places and ...


How common are medication-related errors in home care?

In a questionnaire-based study published in Pharmacology Research & Perspectives that included 485 fully trained nurses of 107 home care services, nearly half of all nursing staff made at least one error within the last year ...


Napping more frequent in women with chronic migraine

Women with chronic migraine (CM) report significantly more days with naps than healthy controls, and nap duration is associated with headache severity, according to a study published online March 23 in Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

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