Biomedical technology

Organ-on-a-chip: Better health care through superior drug testing

More than 90% of pharmaceuticals fail in clinical trials, despite the fact that by the time a drug is ready to be tested in humans, it's typically already been studied in Petri dishes and animal models for years. That represents ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The relationship between viral dose and COVID-19 severity

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists have strived to answer basic questions about the amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus required to cause an infection and how that viral dose influences disease severity. Answers ...


Increasing vaccine uptake among ethnic minorities

We have been struck by how COVID-19 has affected the health and wellbeing of ethnic minority groups disproportionately. Individuals from these communities are more likely to have severe disease requiring intensive care admission ...


Having difficult conversations: Addressing vaccine hesitancy

Regarding vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine, about half the population is in the "movable middle." More specifically, 20% are skeptical and 30% are open but uncertain. They want to know that vaccines are safe ...

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