
Quitting smoking may gain you friends

(HealthDay)—Kicking the smoking habit doesn't only boost your health, it may also help you build a wider circle of friendships, a new study says.


Why teens choose e-cigarettes

(HealthDay)—Teenagers try e-cigarettes the first time for very teen-related reasons—they're curious, friends use them, and there are lots of different flavors that taste good.


Smokers quitting tobacco also drink less alcohol

People who have recently begun an attempt to quit smoking tobacco are more likely to try to drink less alcohol than other smokers, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Public Health.


Smokers have harder time getting jobs, study finds

A one-year longitudinal study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine strongly suggests that smokers remain unemployed longer than nonsmokers. And when smokers do find jobs, they earn substantially less ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

An FDA-approved Alzheimer's drug could help smokers quit

Despite several safe drug therapies available to help smokers quit, three-quarters report relapsing within six months of a quit attempt. University of Pennsylvania researchers Rebecca Ashare and Heath Schmidt saw potential ...

Oncology & Cancer

For breast cancer patients, never too late to quit smoking

Documenting that it's never too late to quit smoking, a large study of breast cancer survivors has found that those who quit smoking after their diagnosis had a 33 percent lower risk of death as a result of breast cancer ...

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