
How sleep helps teens deal with social stress

A new Michigan State University study found that a good night's sleep does adolescents good—beyond helping them stay awake in class. Adequate sleep can help teens navigate challenging social situations.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Minority children develop implicit racial bias in early childhood

New research from York University suggests that minority children as young as six years old show an implicit pro-White racial bias when exposed to images of both White and Black children. But how ingrained these biases become ...


How coffee shop racism harms black patients

A couple of weeks ago, two black men entered the Philadelphia Starbucks store to meet a friend, and have a conversation, just like many of us usually do. Unlike many of us, however, they were arrested for trespassing – ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

White people show race bias when judging deception

When making judgments about who is lying and who is telling the truth, new research shows that White people are more likely to label a Black person as a truth-teller compared with a White person, even though their spontaneous ...

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