Psychology & Psychiatry

Racism in healthcare linked to poor mental health

(Medical Xpress)—Experiencing racism in health settings may have a stronger negative influence on the mental health of Aboriginal Australians than experiencing racism anywhere else, a survey led by the University of Melbourne ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Racism linked to depression and anxiety in youth

An international review led by the University of Melbourne has found children and young people experience poor mental health, depression and anxiety following experiences of racism.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rewriting personal history by inventing racist roads not taken

In 2008, research showed that expressing support for Barack Obama increased people's comfort in subsequently saying or doing things that might be considered racist. Researchers argued that endorsing a black political figure ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rebuffing racial insults: How culture shapes our behavior

The color of our skin or where we come does matter when it comes to how we react to a racist insult. A new study has found that African American women are more likely than Asian American women to directly rebuff racist comments, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pride and prejudice: Pride impacts racism and homophobia

A new University of British Columbia study finds that the way individuals experience the universal emotion of pride directly impacts how racist and homophobic their attitudes toward other people are.

Oncology & Cancer

Perception of breast cancer care differs from actual care quality

(HealthDay) -- The perception of care for women living in inner cities with newly diagnosed, early-stage breast cancer is dependent, in large part, on factors other than the actual quality of care provided, including the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Both sexism and racism are similar mental processes

Prejudiced attitudes are based on generalised suppositions about certain social groups and could well be a personality trait. Researchers at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) have confirmed the link between two ...

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