
Researchers uncover ways to better predict viral information

Many kinds of communication are critical to the success of Army missions: messages that promote a healthy lifestyle to Soldiers and their families, flyers distributed to support peacekeeping missions, recruiting skilled personnel ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why US policies for dyslexia should be scrapped

Many of the current US Federal and State dyslexia laws should be scrapped as they ignore scientific evidence and privilege some poor readers at the expense of huge numbers of others, according to a leading expert in reading ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dyslexic readers have disrupted network connections in the brain

Dyslexia, the most commonly diagnosed learning disability in the United States, is a neurological reading disability that occurs when the regions of the brain that process written language don't function normally.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The secrets of designing a good typeface

When we want what we write to be clearly communicated to a reader, we generally try to use a typeface that is clear to read. But few people realise how quickly your choice of typeface affects that process. If we can understand ...


Reading is good for your health

People with poor reading skills are likely to be less healthy than those who read easily, according to recent research. Literacy skills are important for keeping in good shape.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

E-readers more effective than paper for dyslexic readers

As e-readers grow in popularity as convenient alternatives to traditional books, researchers at the Smithsonian have found that convenience may not be their only benefit. The team discovered that when e-readers are set up ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Musical aptitude relates to reading ability

Auditory working memory and attention, for example the ability to hear and then remember instructions while completing a task, are a necessary part of musical ability. But musical ability is also related to verbal memory ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dyslexia independent of IQ

About 5 to 10 percent of American children are diagnosed as dyslexic. Historically, the label has been assigned to kids who are bright, even verbally articulate, but who struggle with reading — in short, whose high IQs ...

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