
Exploring new dimensions in surgery

When you enter Operating Theatre 3 of the new central operating department at Pius Hospital Oldenburg, Germany, the first thing you notice is the large, three-part mural on the back wall: a dreamlike landscape of white dunes, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows audio experience in virtual reality can be 'authentic'

Experts, as part of the University of York's XR Stories project, have proposed a new sound strategy to developing virtual reality (VR) environments, based on how people receive images and sounds from the real world, ultimately ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Could gaming improve people's mental health by combating anxiety?

In 2017, Ninja Theory, advised by Cambridge academic Professor Paul Fletcher, took the gaming world by storm with Hellblade, which accurately depicted psychosis. Now the company has teamed up with one of Fletcher's Ph.D. ...

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