
The Great Recession took a toll on public health, study finds

The Great Recession, spanning 2008 to 2010, was associated with heightened cardiovascular risk factors, including increased blood pressure and glucose levels, according to a new UCLA-led study. The connections were especially ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People with mental health problems hit harder by recession

Since the start of the recession, the rate of unemployment for people with mental health problems has risen more than twice as much than for people without mental health problems, according to new research from King's College ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Whole-exome sequencing identifies inherited mutations in autism

While autism clearly runs in some families, few inherited genetic causes have been found. A major reason is that these causes are so varied that it's hard to find enough people with a given mutation to establish a clear pattern. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anti-depressant use soars in England, linked to recession

The use of anti-depressant drugs in England has soared by 28 percent in the past three years, coinciding with the country's fall into recession and the global economic crisis, new figures showed Friday.

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