Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Guidelines on caring for ICU patients with COVID-19

An international team including McMaster University researchers has come together to issue guidelines for health-care workers treating intensive care unit (ICU) patients with COVID-19.

Oncology & Cancer

When to get your next colonoscopy

The colorectal cancer mortality rate in the United States is down more than 50% from what it was two decades ago, when doctors started using the colonoscopy more as a screening tool than a diagnostic tool.


Marketing makes dubious claims about infant formulas

Marketing claims promote benefits of providing infant formula and toddler milks that are not supported by scientific evidence, yet 60% of caregivers mistakenly believe these products provide nutrition not present in breastmilk, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Virus and elderly: Avoid crowds, cruises, long plane trips

The U.S. government's coronavirus recommendations tell older adults to avoid crowds, cruises and long plane rides—advice that one public health official acknowledged won't be welcomed by many.


Heart attack patients who follow more guidelines live longer

Patients who followed more medical advice after a heart attack were more likely to survive years after their heart attack. Their prospects improved with every additional recommendation they followed, according to new research ...


Recommendations provided for treatment of ulcerative colitis

(HealthDay)—In a new clinical guideline from the American Gastroenterological Association, recently published in Gastroenterology, treatment recommendations are presented for patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New US guidelines urge a hepatitis C check for most adults

Most American adults need to be checked for hepatitis C, say guidelines released Monday that urge millions more people to get screened for the liver-damaging virus that can fester for decades it's spotted.

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