
Statins can save lives, are they being used?

People who have coronary artery disease, stroke or peripheral artery disease often are prescribed a statin, a cholesterol-lowering drug that reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.


How long can a healthy human live?

The death of the world's oldest person at the age of 118 has reignited a debate that has divided scientists for centuries: is there a limit on how long a healthy human can live?

Psychology & Psychiatry

An element of surprise is the recipe for creating false memories

You're starting to tell that old story to a couple of new friends, and suddenly another person who was there says 'no, it wasn't like that!' Without a video recording to settle the dispute, it's pretty hard to know who has ...

Oncology & Cancer

Dermatologists detect the world's smallest skin cancer

A tiny spot on Christy Staats's cheek measured just 0.65 millimeters—or 0.025 inches—and was almost invisible to the human eye. But with help from state-of-the-art non-invasive technology, an OHSU dermatologist and a ...

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