Medical research

How sickled red blood cells stick to blood vessels

One of the most common complications of sickle-cell disease occurs when deformed red blood cells clump together, blocking tiny blood vessels and causing severe pain and swelling in the affected body parts.


Researchers find elusive source of most abundant immune cell

Neutrophils—short-lived, highly mobile and versatile—outnumber all other immune cells circulating through the blood stream. Yet, despite the cells' abundance, the progenitor cell that only gives rise to neutrophils had ...


Natural antioxidant bilirubin may improve cardiovascular health

Bilirubin, a yellow-orange pigment, is formed after the breakdown of red blood cells and is eliminated by the liver. It's not only a sign of a bruise, it may provide cardiovascular benefits, according to a large-scale epidemiology ...

Medical research

Noninvasive brain tumor biopsy on the horizon

Taking a biopsy of a brain tumor is a complicated and invasive surgical process, but a team of researchers at Washington University in St. Louis is developing a way that allows them to detect tumor biomarkers through a simple ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel drug shows promise against acute myeloid leukemia

In a study published online today in Science Translational Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine researchers report that an experimental peptide (small protein) drug shows promise against the often-lethal cancer acute ...

Medical research

Healthy red blood cells owe their shape to muscle-like structures

Red blood cells are on a wild ride. As they race through the body to deliver oxygen, they must maintain a distinct dimpled shape—and bounce back into form even after squishing through narrow capillaries. Red blood cells ...

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