Medical research

Research reveals why redheads may have different pain thresholds

New research led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) provides insights on why people with red hair exhibit altered sensitivity to certain kinds of pain. The findings are published in Science Advances.

Oncology & Cancer

Red hair gene variation drives up skin cancer mutations

For the first time, researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and University of Leeds have proved that gene variants associated with red hair, pale skin and freckles are linked to a higher number of genetic mutations ...

Oncology & Cancer

Physical combination multiplies melanoma risk

The risk of developing melanoma is significantly multiplied for people who have red hair and more than 20 large moles, University of Queensland researchers have found.

Oncology & Cancer

Blue-eyed people may face higher melanoma risk

(HealthDay)—New research suggests that genes tied to blue eyes and red hair could put people at higher risk for moles or freckling in childhood, which are often precursors to the deadly skin cancer melanoma later in life.

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