
Tick-borne meat sensitivity linked to heart disease

University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have linked sensitivity to an allergen in red meat—a sensitivity spread by tick bites—with a buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries of the heart. This buildup may ...


Go vegan to jumpstart weight loss

(HealthDay)—Vegan diets are hard for many people to stick with long-term, but studies show that this way of eating can translate to weight loss.


Could coffee perk up your heart health?

(HealthDay)—Besides staying alert, coffee lovers who drink more than three cups of java a day may lower their risk for clogged arteries, a new Brazilian study suggests.


Grilled meat, chicken ups risk of type 2 diabetes in U.S. adults

(HealthDay)—Open-flame and/or high-temperature cooking methods (such as grilling/barbecuing, broiling, or roasting) to prepare chicken and red meat are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), according ...

Oncology & Cancer

These foods may up your odds for colon cancer

(HealthDay)—Chowing down on red meat, white bread and sugar-laden drinks might increase your long-term risk of colon cancer, a new study suggests.

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