
SMART Arm helps stroke survivors recover faster

(Medical Xpress)—A non-robotic device that helps stroke survivors regain upper limb movement is expected to be commercially available in Australia within the next 12 months.


Study shows in-home therapy effective for stroke rehabilitation

In-home rehabilitation, using a telehealth system and supervised by licensed occupational/physical therapists, is an effective means of improving arm motor status in stroke survivors, according to findings presented by University ...


Pilates is beneficial adjunctive therapy in heart failure

(HealthDay)—Pilates exercises may be a beneficial adjunctive treatment for patients with heart failure, offering functional capacity improvements, according to a study published in the December issue of Cardiovascular Therapeutics.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Physical therapy for long COVID: Research shows patients benefit

Studies show that those suffering from long COVID may benefit from physical therapy services as soon as they are able to tolerate physical activity, a PCOM Georgia assistant professor, who specializes in cardiopulmonary physical ...

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