
Long-term prevention of organ rejection

The Konstanz immunologist Professor Marcus Groettrup and his team have developed a procedure for preventing organ rejection in rats after renal transplantation, and for suppressing the creation of antibodies in the recipients' ...


Drug could cut transplant rejection

A diabetes drug currently undergoing development could be repurposed to help end transplant rejection, without the side-effects of current immunosuppressive drugs, according to new research by Queen Mary University of London ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Improving kidney transplant outcomes

A new clinical trial led by researchers at the U of M could change the current standard of care for monitoring kidney transplant patients and potentially increase the longevity of successful kidney transplants. Principal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sometimes you shouldn't say sorry

Imagine you find out that your friend meets with mutual co-workers for lunch every Friday. You ask to join, but your friend declines your request. Could the way they phrased this rejection make you feel more or less hurt ...

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