
Relapses linked to accelerated disability progression in SPMS

(HealthDay)—For patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS), relapses are associated with accelerated disability progression, according to a study published online July 27 in JAMA Neurology.

Oncology & Cancer

New lung cancer trial to help predict relapse

A new international Phase 3 clinical trial coordinated by Crick Senior Group Leader and Cancer Research UK's chief clinician, Charles Swanton, will use personalised detection tests to look for the earliest signs of relapse ...

Medical research

Blocking stress-induced cocaine addiction relapse

Stress is a precipitating factor for craving and relapse in cocaine use disorder. A part of the brain known as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) has been linked to both anxiety and addiction.


Researchers find clue to preventing addiction relapse

With any addiction in which a user has successfully resisted a chemical, activity or substance, relapse is vexing. And with opioids, it's often deadly. Fatal overdoses following relapse from an opioid addiction is reaching ...

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