
Childhood aggression linked to deficits in executive function

A new study finds that deficits in executive function—a measure of cognitive skills that allow a person to achieve goals by controlling their behavior - predicts later aggressive behavior. The study, published in open-access ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The consequences of controlling parenting on college students

College students whose parents lay on the guilt or try to manipulate them may translate feelings of stress into similar mean behavior with their own friends, a new study by a University of Vermont psychologist has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds it's mean boys, not mean girls, who rule at school

Debunking the myth of the "mean girl," new research from the University of Georgia has found that boys use relational aggression—malicious rumors, social exclusion and rejection—to harm or manipulate others more often ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Intervention helps decrease 'mean girl' behaviors, researchers find

Relational aggression, or "mean girl" bullying, is a popular subject in news and entertainment media. This nonphysical form of aggression generally used among adolescent girls includes gossiping, rumor spreading, exclusion ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows mean screens prime the brain for aggression

Research over the past few decades has shown that viewing physical violence in the media can increase aggression in adults and children. But a new study, co-authored by an Iowa State University psychology professor, has also ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What makes kids aggressive later in life?

A University at Buffalo developmental psychologist has received a $550,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study possible pathways that might lead young children toward different types of aggressive behavior ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study confirms link between school climate and violence

School violence is a very important social issue world-wide. It poses a significant threat to the health, achievement, and well-being of students. Although the most highly published incidents involve serious physical violence, ...

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