
How often do people have sex?

Australians report having sex once or twice a week, on average. For Brits, it's less than once a week, while Americans report having sex two to three times a week.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study examines attachment to God, psychological distress

A national study examines the link between perceived relationship with God and mental health from a sample of more than 1,600 Americans. The research suggests that religious believers who relate to God in an uncertain or ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Epstein-Barr virus may be leading cause of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a progressive disease that affects 2.8 million people worldwide and for which there is no definitive cure, is likely caused by infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), according to a study led ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Narcissism and its impact on psychotherapy

Narcissistic personality traits are related to poorer response to psychotherapeutic treatment. This is the result of a German multi-site study with more than 2,000 participants receiving inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy. ...

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