
New vaccine prevents herpes in mice, guinea pigs

Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a vaccine to protect against genital herpes. Tested on both mice and guinea pigs, the immunization led to "mostly sterilizing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study finds compassion is at the heart of love

Beneath those carefully crafted profiles on dating sites there are traits that evolution has crafted that drive what we look for in a partner, now new research has shed light on which traits are most important to people when ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Major depressive disorder blamed for major diseases

Major depressive disorder—referred to colloquially as the 'black dog' – has been identified as a genetic cause for 20 distinct diseases, providing vital information to help detect and manage high rates of physical illnesses ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Change the bias, change the behavior? Maybe not

The concept of implicit bias has made its way into the general consciousness, most often in the context of racial bias. More broadly, however, implicit biases can affect how people think of anything—from their thoughts ...

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