Psychology & Psychiatry

Happy childhood memories linked to better health later in life

People who have fond memories of childhood, specifically their relationships with their parents, tend to have better health, less depression and fewer chronic illnesses as older adults, according to research published by ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We are predisposed to forgive, new research suggests

When assessing the moral character of others, people cling to good impressions but readily adjust their opinions about those who have behaved badly, according to new research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Toddlers prefer winners—but avoid those who win by force

They have only just learnt to walk and talk—and have only just started to develop social relationships with children of their own age. Yet, these tiny toddlers already use cues of social status to decide which people they ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Your child may be sadder than you think

According to child development experts, it is perfectly normal for children to have mood fluctuations with occasional bouts of sadness. As they come into their own as individuals, kids struggle at times to process their emotions ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study links neighborhood violence, lung cancer progression

Scientists have identified a potential driver of aggressive lung cancer tumors in patients who live in areas with high levels of violent crime. Their study found that stress responses differ between those living in neighborhoods ...

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