Oncology & Cancer

Evidence of familial genetic risk for colon cancer

Huntsman Cancer Institute researchers discovered people with a certain polyp syndrome and their first-degree relatives are at increased risk for colorectal cancer. In addition, people with certain colon lesions are also at ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tuberculosis spread 'depends on moisture in the air'

Climatic factors such as dew point temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric temperature that affect water droplet formation are crucial for the survival and spread of tuberculosis (TB), an airborne infectious disease, ...


Machine learning (AI) accurately predicts cardiac arrest risk

A branch of artificial intelligence (AI), called machine learning, can accurately predict the risk of an out of hospital cardiac arrest—when the heart suddenly stops beating—using a combination of timing and weather data, ...


One in five doctors in Sweden has a doctor parent

One in five doctors in Sweden has a parent who is also trained in medicine, more than triple the proportion for doctors born three decades earlier, finds a study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why males may have a worse response to COVID-19

If you ask most women about how their male relatives, partners and friends respond to being sick, they'll often tell you with an accompanying eye roll, "He's such a baby." "He's extra whiny." Or "he exaggerates so much." ...

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