Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

NIH study sheds light on role of climate in influenza transmission

Two types of environmental conditions—cold-dry and humid-rainy—are associated with seasonal influenza epidemics, according to an epidemiological study led by researchers at the National Institutes of Health's Fogarty ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Higher indoor humidity inactivates flu virus particles

Higher humidity levels indoors can significantly reduce the infectivity of influenza virus particles released by coughing, according to research published February 27 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by John Noti and colleagues ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why is the flu more common during the winter season?

(Medical Xpress)—Influenza, commonly known as the flu, has distinct transmission patterns around the world. In temperate regions, influenza's occurrence peaks during the winter season, while in some tropical regions, the ...


Resistance to dementia may run in the family

People who are free of dementia and have high levels of a protein that indicates the presence of inflammation have relatives who are more likely to avoid the disease as well, according to a new study published in the August ...


Nigeria lead poisoning 'worst in modern history': HRW

A lead poisoning epidemic in Nigeria's north that has killed 400 children and affected thousands is the worst in modern history, but cleanup has not even begun in many areas, Human Rights Watch said Tuesday.

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