Psychology & Psychiatry

'Religiously integrated' psychotherapy is effective for depression

For chronically ill patients with major depression, an approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) that incorporates patients' religious beliefs is at least as effective as conventional CBT, suggests a study in the April ...


Supreme court: Some companies don't have to cover birth control

(HealthDay)—Family-owned companies don't have to comply with a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires them to offer insurance coverage for contraception if that requirement violates their religious principles, ...


Health law birth control coverage before justices

The Obama administration and its opponents are renewing the Supreme Court battle over President Barack Obama's health care law in a case that pits the religious rights of employers against the rights of women to the birth ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do brain connections help shape religious beliefs?

Building on previous evidence showing that religious belief involves cognitive activity that can be mapped to specific brain regions, a new study has found that causal, directional connections between these brain networks ...


Supreme Court will take up new health law dispute (Update)

The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to referee another dispute over President Barack Obama's trouble-plagued health care law, whether businesses can use religious objections to escape a requirement to cover birth control for ...


Final rules issued for individual shared responsibility mandate

(HealthDay)—Starting 2014, the individual shared responsibility provision of the Affordable Care Act, which calls for each individual to have basic health insurance coverage, will be implemented, according to a statement ...

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