
How misinformed vaccine beliefs affect policy views

While there is broad support in the United States for pro-vaccination policies, as many as 20% of Americans hold negative views about vaccination. Such misinformed vaccine beliefs are by far the strongest driver of opposition ...


US unveils guidance for federal vaccine mandate, exemptions

With just weeks remaining before federal workers must be vaccinated against COVID-19, the federal government on Monday outlined procedures for employees to request medical or religious exemptions from President Joe Biden's ...


US judge rules in favor of university's vaccine mandate

A US federal judge on Monday upheld a university's decision to require its students and employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the first ruling on an increasingly divisive issue ahead of the new school year.


Scrutiny of vaccine exemptions banishes some from schools

Carl and Kerri Schwartz say they have good medical reason for not vaccinating their disabled 11-year-old son, Thorn, and until recently his local public school went along with their family doctor's advice.


Judge waits to rule on letting unvaccinated go to school

A judge declined to immediately rule on whether to let unvaccinated children go back to school in New York after a hearing Wednesday in a lawsuit challenging a new state law eliminating religious exemptions to vaccines.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Washington state limits exemptions for measles vaccine

Parents in Washington state will no longer be able to claim a personal or philosophical exemption for their children from receiving the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine before attending a day care center or school ...

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