Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Meta-analysis compares tx for inducing remission in Crohn's

(HealthDay)—For adult patients with Crohn's disease, adalimumab and infliximab + azathioprine are most effective for induction and maintenance of remission, according to a meta-analysis published in the February issue of ...

Inflammatory disorders

Therapy for severe vasculitis shows long-term effectiveness

Administering the drug rituximab once weekly for one month provides the same benefits as 18 months of daily immunosuppressive therapy in people with severe forms of vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels, a study ...

Oncology & Cancer

Vitamin D may raise survival rates among cancer patients

Cancer patients who have higher levels of vitamin D when they are diagnosed tend to have better survival rates and remain in remission longer than patients who are vitamin D-deficient, according to a new study published in ...

Oncology & Cancer

A new approach to improving cancer chemotherapy

(Medical Xpress) -- Chemotherapy kills tumor cells, but it also wreaks havoc on the rest of the body. A team of researchers led by Igor Roninson of the South Carolina College of Pharmacy just reported the discovery of a new ...

Oncology & Cancer

Modified immune cells seek and destroy melanoma

In this issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers led by Scott Pruitt at Duke University and Merck Research Laboratories report on a human clinical trial in which modified dendritic cells, a component of ...

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