Psychology & Psychiatry

Excitatory brain stimulation protocols beneficial in schizophrenia

Excitatory noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) interventions over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are associated with improvement in the severity of negative symptoms in schizophrenia, according to a systematic review ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neuromodulation advances offer promise for treating depression

A new review study looking at the current state of neuromodulation therapies being used to treat depression, including rTMS, ECT and others, is available online today in the December issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry.


Brain stimulation could help you decide when to give up

New methods of brain stimulation are being tested to see whether they can be used to enhance cognitive behavior. In this study, researchers from Japan have found that stimulation at specific frequencies can modulate thought ...


Non-invasive brain stimulation may reduce smoking

A new systematic review of randomized controlled trials has found evidence that non-invasive brain stimulation may reduce smoking frequency (number of cigarettes per day) in nicotine-dependent smokers. 

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