
Inflammation may link obesity and adverse pregnancy outcomes

A number of different immunological mechanisms ensure the successful establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Imbalance in these mechanisms is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. In a review published in Advances ...


Smoking during pregnancy may damage daughters' future fertility

Baby girls, born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy, exhibit signs of increased testosterone exposure, which may affect their hormone and reproductive function, according to research presented today at the 58th Annual ...


Moderate alcohol consumption may boost male fertility

The question of whether alcohol intake affects male reproductive function is controversial. In a new Andrology study, moderate alcohol intake was linked with higher semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count.


PFAS remain a concern for hormone health, scientists conclude

At this critical junction for EU chemicals legislation, the independent scientific voice took center stage at the 5th Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors. Together with an impressive number of concerned stakeholders, they ...


Malaysian hospital separates conjoined twins

Conjoined 15-month-old twins attached at the pelvis and sharing three legs were successfully separated at a Malaysian hospital in a complex 24-hour operation, reports said Saturday.

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