Obstetrics & gynaecology

Calm the immune system, halt premature birth

Premature birth is the leading cause of infant death and disability in the U.S., and costs billions in dollars and heartache every year. Now, University of Connecticut researchers report in Reproductive Sciences a potential ...


Source of chlamydia reinfections may be GI tract

The current standard of care treatment for chlamydia sometimes fails to eradicate the disease, according to a review published ahead of print in Infection and Immunity, and the culprit may be in the gut.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Review reveals simple method to increase number of IVF births

Worldwide, around 10 to 15% of couples have fertility problems. Many turn to artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs), most notably IVF (in vitro fertilization), in the hope of having a baby. But the process is fraught ...

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