
Trump wants to ditch 'Obamacare' but keep the gains

Health coverage for all: the promise of President-elect Donald Trump was also the vow of his predecessor Barack Obama, whose signature domestic achievement is now under serious threat of repeal.


Assembly approves medical marijuana dispensaries

(AP)—Nevada lawmakers want to give medical marijuana users a legal way to obtain the drug 13 years after voters legalized medicinal pot in the state constitution.


Health overhaul signup ends, survives for now

Monday marks the end of the six-month sign-up period for insurance under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, a highly controversial attempt to reduce the number of Americans without medical coverage, estimated ...


Supreme Court to reignite US health care debate

History may judge Barack Obama's health care plan either as the anchor of a legacy of reform, or an emblem of a presidency born in high ambition but dragged down by political reality.


Obamacare ruling restores faith in US Supreme Court

With Chief Justice John Roberts' decisive swing vote to uphold "Obamacare," the conservative-majority US Supreme Court has seen its reputation as an independent final arbiter restored, experts say.


Obama's health plan set for launch, ready or not

Starting on Tuesday, an estimated 50 million Americans who don't have health insurance can start signing up for coverage as the core of President Barack Obama's overhaul takes hold. Subsidies will be available to help those ...

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