
House GOP withdraws health care proposal

(AP)—House Republicans have put off a vote on legislation to rescue a main feature of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul—affordable coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions—after it ran into ...


House bill shifts funds in health care law

(AP)—House Republicans are coming to the aid of high-risk patients trying to get insurance under the new health care law. But they do so by diverting money from a prevention program that is key to the law, ensuring stiff ...


Rivals prepare for legal battle over abortion bans

Rival legal teams, well-financed and highly motivated, are preparing for court battles over the coming months on laws enacted in Arkansas and North Dakota that would impose the toughest bans on abortion in the U.S.


Feds take lead on health insurance exchanges

(HealthDay)—More than half the states in the nation have decided against creating on their own one of the most complex yet vital parts of the massive 2010 health reform law, which was championed by President Barack Obama.


State adopts US's most restrictive abortion law (Update)

Lawmakers in the southern state of Arkansas passed on Wednesday the most restrictive abortion law in the United States—a near-ban on the procedure from the 12th week of pregnancy onward that is certain to end up in court.

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