Medical research

Researchers identify cellular distress signal

Researchers from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine have discovered that a well-known associate of G protein-coupled receptors—a common target of FDA-approved drugs—may play a critical role in mounting ...


Improved rescue kits for people with diabetes, hypoglycemia

Being with someone who has diabetes and needs immediate care to avoid a coma can be a frightening situation. Even worse, current products and injection kits to help in those emergencies can be complicated to use.


Crossing international borders can be deadly for forced migrants

Crossing international borders can be dangerous, if not deadly, for refugees and asylum seekers, who have been displaced by conflict or a humanitarian crisis. According to data from the International Organization for Migration, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stressed out by Ukraine news? Experts offer coping tips

The stories and images flowing out of Ukraine as it defends itself against a Russian invasion are gut-wrenching: Families lugging just a suitcase while crossing the border to safety in Poland in tears; bombed out apartments ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New initiative takes aim at mental health crisis among refugees

U.S. troops' chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is something Hogai Nassery has been confronted by long after August 2021, when the last plane took off from Kabul, marking the end of the U.S." longest war. Starting last year, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

UN launches virus aid plan, says all of humanity at risk

The coronavirus pandemic is threatening the entire human race, the United Nations warned Wednesday as it launched a humanitarian response plan featuring an appeal for $2 billion to help the world's poorest and most vulnerable ...


Rescuers often driven by emotion

Scientists from James Cook University and Royal Life Saving Society—Australia have found reason can go out the window when people's family members, children and pets are in trouble in the water, and people should be better ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Preparation, quick action aid Germany, SKorea virus fight

Derided by many economists for years for insisting on a balanced budget and criticized for a health care system seen as bloated and overly expensive, Germany has found itself well equipped now to weather the coronavirus pandemic.

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