Sleep disorders

Engineer studies sleep apnea

Most people snore occasionally, and about one in four Americans snore frequently. Snoring tends to increase with age and weight gain. And studies show that about 60 percent of adult males are habitual offenders. (Their spouses ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New tuberculosis drug may shorten treatment time for patients

A new experimental antibiotic for tuberculosis has been shown to be more effective against TB than isoniazid, a decades-old drug which is currently one of the standard treatments. In mouse studies, the new drug showed a much ...


Observing live gene expression in the body

Most of our physiological functions fluctuate throughout the day. They are coordinated by a central clock in the brain and by local oscillators, present in virtually every cell. Many molecular gearwheels of this internal ...


One in six women at fracture clinics report domestic violence

One in six women arriving at orthopedic fracture clinics have been victims of physical, emotional, or sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner within the past year, and one in 50 arrive as a direct result of intimate ...


Hospital hypoglycemia rates up in black men with diabetes

(HealthDay)—Home diabetes regimens partially explain the increased risk of having a hypoglycemia event during hospitalization among older African-American men with diabetes, according to a study published in the April issue ...



Marketers are using neuroscience to create advertising which speaks directly to your brain.


Europe tackles ethics of biobanks

Collections of human biological samples used in medical research should be governed by clear rules that safeguard ethics while advancing knowledge, scientists said Wednesday at a Council of Europe symposium.

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