Gerontology & Geriatrics

Exploring issues around aged care and intimacy

A snapshot of how residential aged care facilities respond to the issue of sex and intimacy amongst its residents was recently published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.


How can we meet the needs of older adults with epilepsy?

Older age is now the most common time to develop epilepsy in high-income settings, and an evidence review led by a Monash research team has highlighted that older adults are at risk of new-onset seizures due to age-related ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids' mental health care leaves parents in debt and in the shadows

Rachel and her husband adopted Marcus out of Guatemalan foster care as a 7-month-old infant and brought him home to Lansing, Michigan. With a round face framed by a full head of dark hair, Marcus was giggly and verbal—learning ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Technology boosts psychosocial well-being of people with dementia

The Ph.D. research of Yuan Feng focuses on promoting the well-being of a vulnerable population in our society—people with dementia—using interactive technologies. Collaborating with the Vitalis Berckelhof, a Dutch residential ...

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