
New insight into impulse control

How the brain controls impulsive behavior may be significantly different than psychologists have thought for the last 40 years.


New method allows quick measurement of photoreceptor response

Photoreceptors are the fundamental component of the entire vision process. These specialized cells that absorb light and trigger a specific physiological reaction in the body come in two varieties: cones (responsible for ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Heat stress may affect the muscles for longer than we think

People who experience heat stress during exercise may need more recovery time to let their muscles heal, according to a new mouse study published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative ...

Medical research

First aid: Drones make a difference

Eurac Research and Mountain Rescue South Tyrol tested the use of drones to locate and rescue accident victims in Bletterbach Gorge. The results are in, drones save valuable time and increase safety for rescue services in ...


Does it matter what time you go to bed?

Some of us love to be tucked up in bed by a particular time every night, ensuring a certain number of hours of sleep. Others go to bed when they start to feel tired, or when they've finally finished everything they wanted ...

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