
Eating out: A recipe for poor nutrition, study finds

Whether you're stopping at a casual fast-food place or sitting down to eat in a full-service restaurant, eating out is an easy way to fill up when you're hungry. But those meals may not deliver much nutritional value, a ...


NYC cigarette plan gets praise, criticism (Update)

(AP)—Anti-smoking advocates and health experts hailed proposals from Mayor Michael Bloomberg that would keep cigarettes out of sight in New York City stores, while tobacco companies and smokers called it an overreach.


Calorie counts on menus have small but promising effects

Menu labeling has made more people aware of how many calories are in restaurant meals and has some people reducing their intake, according to new research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


How to eat less salt

Chances are you consume too much sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. Putting away the saltshaker is never a bad idea, but the vast majority of the sodium we consume comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. ...

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