
The sneaky ways junk food brands get positive news coverage

Public health experts are calling for government action to protect Australians from the influence of the unhealthy food, alcohol, and advertising industries, after new research published today unveiled the "sly" ways they ...


Is a gluten-free diet right for you?

Chances are you know at least one person who's given up eating gluten. Maybe you've even given it up yourself. But who can really benefit from a gluten-free diet?


Q&A: Can virtual reality help people eat a healthier diet?

With heart disease and diabetes—which can be caused or worsened by poor diet—among the leading causes of death and illness for adults in the United States, researchers in the Penn State College of Health and Human Development ...


Sardine dish poisons to death diner in France

A woman has died from botulism after eating sardines at a Bordeaux restaurant and 12 other people, mostly foreigners, are being treated for the rare condition, French health officials said Wednesday.

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