
Bionic eye gives hope to the blind

After years of research, the first bionic eye has seen the light of day in the United States, giving hope to the blind around the world.


Scientists regenerate retinal cells in mice

Scientists have successfully regenerated cells in the retina of adult mice at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

Medical research

Algae may be the solution to blindness

(PhysOrg.com) -- The song about three blind mice may just be a song of the past according to new research presented by neuroscientist Alan Horsager from the Institute of Genetic Medicine at the University of Southern California ...

Medical research

A rift in the retina may help repair the optic nerve

In experiments in mouse tissues and human cells, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have found that removing a membrane that lines the back of the eye may improve the success rate for regrowing nerve cells damaged ...

Medical research

Researchers uncover mechanism blocking retina regeneration

A discovery opens the possibility of one day restoring loss of vision by activating the retina's ability to regenerate. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the Cardiovascular Research Institute and the Texas Heart ...


Australians implant 'world first' bionic eye

Australian scientists said Thursday they had successfully implanted a "world first" bionic eye prototype, describing it as a major breakthrough for the visually impaired.

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