Psychology & Psychiatry

Yoga and meditation improve mind-body health and stress resilience

Many people report positive health effects from practicing yoga and meditation, and experience both mental and physical benefits from these practices. However, we still have much to learn about how exactly these practices ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Zen meditation improves sense of touch

A study conducted with experienced scholars of zen meditation shows that mental focusing can induce learning mechanisms similar to physical training. Researchers at the Ruhr-University Bochum and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness from meditation associated with lower stress hormone

(Medical Xpress)—Focusing on the present rather than letting the mind drift may help to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, suggests new research from the Shamatha Project at the University of California, Davis.


One week at a health spa improves your health, study shows

Take off those Thanksgiving pounds with a week at a spa retreat. A new study shows that not only are they relaxing and nourishing, but they are safe and a week-long spa stay can correspond with changes in our physical and ...