Innovative way to block HIV runs into a roadblock

Taking aim at a promising molecular target can combat the spread of retroviruses that can cause blood cancer and AIDS—but at the risk of leaving the host vulnerable to infections by other viral pathogens, a new Yale study ...

Medical research

No two kinds of retroviruses look—or act—the same

In the most comprehensive study of its kind, researchers in the Institute for Molecular Virology and School of Dentistry at the University of Minnesota report that most types of retroviruses have distinct, non-identical virus ...


'Viral relicts' in the genome could fuel neurodegeneration

Genetic remnants of viruses that are naturally present in the human genome could affect the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers at DZNE have come to this conclusion based on studies of cell cultures. In ...

Oncology & Cancer

New cancer findings can give wider access to immunotherapy

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have published new findings in the journal Cancer Discovery showing how pharmacological activation of the protein p53 boosts the immune response against tumours. The results ...

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