
Study examines impact of minimally invasive surgery

(HealthDay)—For specific types of surgery, minimally invasive procedures correlate with significantly lower health plan spending and fewer days of absence from work, compared with standard surgery, according to a study ...


New criteria IDs clinically relevant post-procedure MI

(HealthDay)—A new definition of myocardial infarction (MI) that encompasses clinically relevant MI following coronary revascularization, rather than one that identifies small degrees of myonecrosis, should be adopted, according ...


Albuminuria predicts cardiovascular outcome after PCI

(HealthDay)—An elevated urinary albumin excretion rate can predict adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention, according to a study published in the March 1 issue ...


ACC withdraws one 'Choosing Wisely' recommendation

(HealthDay)—Researchers have withdrawn one of the previous Choosing Wisely recommendations from April 2012, according to a report from the American College of Cardiology (ACC).


Results of the SMART-CASE trial presented

A new study shows that a conservative approach to revascularization for patients with intermediate coronary lesions determined by angiographic diameter stenosis is safe and non-inferior to an aggressive approach. Findings ...


Imaging identifies asymptomatic people at risk for stroke

Imaging can be a cost-effective way to identify people at risk for stroke who might benefit from aggressive intervention, according to a new modeling study published online in the journal Radiology.


Spending on vascular care not tied to amputation reduction

(HealthDay)—There are significant regional differences in spending on vascular care in patients who ultimately need amputation for severe peripheral arterial disease, according to a study published online Nov. 20 in JAMA ...

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