
Decision to give a group effort in the brain

A monkey would probably never agree that it is better to give than to receive, but they do apparently get some reward from giving to another monkey.


Faulty signaling in brain increases craving for sugar and drugs

When glutamate and dopamine do not collaborate as they should in the brain's signal system, the kick that alcohol, sugar, or other drugs induce increases. This is shown in a new Swedish-Canadian study on mice being published ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The biology behind binge eating

Female rats are much more likely to binge eat than male rats, according to new research that provides some of the strongest evidence yet that biology plays a role in eating disorders.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Low dopamine levels during withdrawal promote relapse to smoking

Mark Twain said, "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times." Many smokers would agree that it's difficult to stay away from cigarettes. A new study in Biological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why we look at pretty faces

Few visual impressions can be compared to humans' interest for faces. New research suggests that our brain rewards us for looking at pretty faces.


One step closer to a new drug for alcohol dependence

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden might be one step closer to finding an effective drug for alcohol dependence. In two separate studies, they show that the dopamine stabilizer OSU6162 ...

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