
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Springtime allergies

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I love the changing seasons and am looking forward to the warmer days of spring. Unfortunately, I am often miserable because of seasonal allergies. What can I do to keep the box of tissues at bay and enjoy ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mayo Clinic Minute: How to manage hay fever allergy symptoms

Don't be alarmed if you are experiencing seasonal allergies for the first time. While hay fever—also known as allergic rhinitis—often begins in childhood, more adults are being diagnosed, according to the Centers for ...


Understanding allergies

Do you blow your nose and rub your itchy eyes more than usual in the spring? Chances are you have hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, an allergic response that has absolutely nothing to do with hay and everything to ...


A novel painless and reliable allergy test

Although allergies are widespread, their diagnosis is complex and, depending on the type of allergy, the prospects of success with therapy are not always clear. Skin tests so far have been unpleasant, time-consuming and associated ...


Early-life exposure to antibiotics linked to atopic dermatitis

Exposure to antibiotics in utero and during the first year of life is associated with an increased risk for atopic dermatitis, with the correlation partially attenuated after adjustment for familial factors, according to ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Are face masks helping people with allergies?

The masks people have been wearing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 are also good at filtering out pollen and other allergens floating in the air. For people with allergic rhinitis or allergic asthma, who develop symptoms ...

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