
Why pain seems worse at night

As the song from the musical "Les Miserables," based on the novel by Victor Hugo, says, "But the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder." We've all been miserable at night, when we find ourselves tossing ...


How does the body clock keep track of time?

Picture the scene: you wake up in the dim light of the morning, and wonder if it's already time to get up. Just as you reach for your bedside clock, your morning alarm goes off. It's a handy—if mysterious—skill. But how ...


Graphene 'tattoo' treats cardiac arrhythmia with light

Researchers led by Northwestern University and the University of Texas at Austin (UT) have developed the first cardiac implant made from graphene, a two-dimensional super material with ultra-strong, lightweight and conductive ...


Smart watches could predict future heart problems

Wearable devices such as smart watches could be used to detect a higher risk of developing heart failure and irregular heart rhythms in later life, suggests a new study led by UCL researchers.

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