
Researchers were not right about left brains

The left and right sides of the human brain are specialized for some cognitive abilities. For example, in humans, language is processed predominantly in the left hemisphere, and the right hand is controlled by the motor cortex ...


How the brain controls our speech

Speaking requires both sides of the brain. Each hemisphere takes over a part of the complex task of forming sounds, modulating the voice and monitoring what has been said. However, the distribution of tasks is different than ...


Estuarine waters hold promise in global pain-relief hunt

The worldwide search for an opioid alternative has made a leap forward—with a scientific discovery in an Australian fungus indicating effective pain relief and the potential for a safer less addictive drug, helping address ...


People with autism have a more symmetrical brain

Do people with autism have differently organized brains? A large-scale MRI study, published in Nature Communications, reports fewer differences between the right and left hemispheres in people with autism spectrum disorder. ...


Can an Apple Watch tell if you had a heart attack?

An electrocardiogram (ECG) generated by the Apple Watch series 4 or 5 could potentially be used to diagnose a heart attack when a specific method of obtaining the ECG is used and the results are reviewed by a specialist. ...


Neuronal processes involved in musical interactions

Making music together is a unique challenge: Not only must a musician plan and execute the sounds made by their own instrument, but they have to coordinate their actions with those of others. This is an extraordinary accomplishment ...

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