
New method for safer dosing of anticoagulants

Elderly people with atrial fibrillation are often treated with anticoagulants to thin the blood, but this medicine is hard to dose and patients have to have their blood tested regularly. Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy ...


Environmental toxin Bisphenol A can affect newborn brain

Newborn mice that are exposed to Bisphenol A develop changes in their spontaneous behavior and evince poorer adaptation to new environments, as well hyperactivity as young adults. This has been shown by researchers at Uppsala ...


FRAX calculator issued in version 3.4

FRAX®, the widely used online fracture risk assessment calculator hosted at the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, University of Sheffield (http://www.shef.ac.uk/FRAX), has now ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer risk calculator updated for Asian-Americans

Researchers have developed a more accurate method for estimating breast cancer risk for Asian and Pacific Islander American (APA) women. Most current risk estimates rely on data from non-Hispanic white women, but researchers ...

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