
How anti-Asian hate is worsening older San Franciscans' health

Fearful of becoming a victim of anti-Asian hate, older, Asian San Franciscans are choosing to spend more time at home, forgoing activities that they previously loved, like exercising, seeing loved ones and dining out, suggests ...

Overweight & Obesity

New study shows abdominal obesity and muscle weakness in 8-year-olds

The harmful combination of abdominal obesity and reduced muscle strength, also known as sarcopenic obesity, is already present in primary school children. This is shown by a new study among eight-year-olds, conducted at Karolinska ...


Women's heart risk spikes after menopause, study shows

At first, no one thought Nina White had a heart attack. Every detail of that day 10 years ago, when she was just 51, is sharp in her memory. She thought the tightness in her chest was overexertion from multiple trips up the ...

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