Psychology & Psychiatry

This is your teen's brain behind the wheel

A new study of teenagers and their moms reveals how adolescent brains negotiate risk - and the factors that modulate their risk-taking behind the wheel.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Researchers develop approach for early diagnosis of dementia

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the University of Georgia have developed a unique method of diagnosing the earliest stages of dementia by applying tasks commonly used to gauge levels of impulsive or risky behaviors related ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why people with bipolar disorder are bigger risk-takers

Researchers from the Universities of Manchester and Liverpool has shown that circuits in the brain involved in pursuing and relishing rewarding experiences are more strongly activated in people with bipolar disorder - guiding ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Agents like Snowden prone to irrational decision making

U.S. intelligence agents – like the embattled Edward Snowden – are more prone to irrational inconsistencies in decision making when compared to college students and post-college adults. That's according a new Cornell ...


Predicting risky sexual behavior

A recent study by a team of researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas found that risky sexual behavior can be predicted by cultural, socioeconomic and individual mores in conjunction with how one views themselves.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Washing away good and bad luck

Research by marketing professor shows risk taking depends on whether participants recalled past episode of good or bad luck and whether they washed their hands.

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