
'Uncanny Valley': Brain network evaluates robot likeability

Scientists have identified mechanisms in the human brain that could help explain the phenomenon of the 'Uncanny Valley' - the unsettling feeling we get from robots and virtual agents that are too human-like. They have also ...

Medical research

Robotic, flexible needle for more effective cancer treatment

Wood wasps use their stingers to drill into wood and lay their eggs inside trees. The resulting damage to wood that may end up as furniture and other structures in our homes might lead most of us to think of them as pests. ...


Research moves closer to brain-machine interface autonomy

A University of Houston engineer is reporting in eNeuro that a brain-computer interface, a form of artificial intelligence, can sense when its user is expecting a reward by examining the interactions between single-neuron ...


Robot-assisted surgery: Few advantages, high costs

Clinical studies on robot-assisted surgery for indications in the thorax and abdomen have so far shown few advantages for this cost-intensive surgical method. This is the result of a recent analysis by the Ludwig Boltzmann ...

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