
VA sets national policy for robotic legs for paralyzed vets

Paralyzed Army veteran Gene Laureano cried when he first walked again with robotic legs at a New York clinic as part of research sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs. But when the study ended, so did his ability ...


A better way to open an airway

We've all seen the procedure on medical drama television shows. A patient is critically injured or ill, and paramedics, nurses or doctors need to open their airway quickly. The delicate procedure is called intubation and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why bartenders have to ignore some signals

A robotic bartender has to do something unusual for a machine: It has to learn to ignore some data and focus on social signals. Researchers at the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) of Bielefeld ...


Neurons encoding hand shapes identified in human brain

Neural prosthetic devices, which include small electrode arrays implanted in the brain, can allow paralyzed patients to control the movement of a robotic limb, whether that limb is attached to the individual or not. In May ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Robotic surgery may be superior to laparoscopic for uterine CA

(HealthDay)—For women with uterine cancer, robotic surgery is more costly but is associated with decreased length of hospital stay and higher rate of lymph node dissection, according to a study published in the November ...


Artificial heart design features porous plastic foam

Artificial hearts with multiple moving parts increase the chance of failure; scientists have worked up a device which is a single piece. No less interesting is the material they used; the team is taking a page out of soft ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Could robots help unlock the mystery of autism spectrum disorder?

Given the many mysteries around autism spectrum disorder (ASD), researchers are always looking for new and innovative ways to solve the mystery and one of the most interesting is using robots to venture into the question ...


Man walks again after years of paralysis

The ability to walk has been restored following a spinal cord injury, using one's own brain power, according to research published in the open access Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. The preliminary proof-of-concept ...


You'd have to be smart to walk this lazy—and people are

Those of you who spend hours at the gym with the aim of burning as many calories as possible may be disappointed to learn that all the while your nervous system is subconsciously working against you. Researchers reporting ...

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